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the Dirtbag Diaries "Backcountry Brushes"

BackCountry Brushes

The first time Ken Jarvela picked up a sketchpad in the backcountry in the 1980’s, he decided he wanted to become a landscape painter. In his early 20’s, he packed three months of food, a tarp, and a set of watercolors into the Trinity Wilderness and, over the next 54 days, taught himself how to paint. This trip would mark the first in many that would define his career as a landscape painter.

Episode 166 Sponsored by Patagonia Inc.

Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • Wild Wind by John BerryHigh Country Waltz by Bradley CarterFreaks by Bradley CarterStargazing by Ken Christianson • Auroras by John BerrySunset by Kai EngelPrimary Colors by Ken Christianson • Delivered by Brendan O’Connell •Tracks provided byFree Music Archive or with permission from the artists.

Dirtbag Diaires:

The campfire tale—it’s ubiquitous in mountain culture. As long as we’ve climbed, skied, boated or traveled, we’ve been telling stories. In March of 2007, Fitz launched The Dirtbag Diaries, a grassroots podcast dedicated to the sometimes serious, often humorous stories from wild places. What began as a solitary experiment has evolved into collaboration between writers, photographers, artists and listeners to produce the type of stories that rarely find homes in the glossy pages of magazines.

With over 250 episodes, The Dirtbag Diaries has developed a passionate listener base, cultivated relationships with outdoor sports’ online hubs, and turned listeners into writers as part of an ongoing media experiment. Outside Magazine named it the best podcast. We’ve celebrated 13 years and the show has been downloaded over 16 million times—numbers we never dreamed of when we first hit “publish.”

The Dirtbag Diaries has found its niche. We love working on it. Have a listen.



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