324 Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg, California
Judy Evenson
"Art is a form of speech, spoken visually, and it does more than just record a subject - it is a personal response that communicates our wonder, curiosity, and love of the world."
Judy Evenson's new series of artwork celebrates just this- wonder, movement, freedom- with her source of inspiration at various skate parks in San Francisco and Humboldt, CA. Photographing, sketching, and painting this community of roller skaters, skateboarders, and bikers (including her own granddaughter) the subject matter represents neighborhood communities sharing time and space. The resulting paintings celebrate the joy of the movement, physical limits and the limits of physics, along with true speed and exhilaration within a formal study of color, multidimensional planes and natural/manmade design.
Meet the Evenson Urban Park Series.
Judy Evenson formally studied movement within the realm of ballet at the School of American Ballet (George Ballenchine) in New York. Born in Northeastern United States she now resides in Northern California and has been working with watercolor and acrylics for over five decades. When she is not painting urban parks and community spaces she is well known for painting the lands, rivers, meadows, and flower gardens of near her home.
Judy Evenson is currently a Guest painter at Erickson Fine Art Gallery Spring 2022.
Selected Recent Exhibitions and Events:
2022 Humboldt County Plein Air Painters, Published in Spring
2019 Piante Gallery, Floral Group Show
2018- Redwood Rural Health Center, Redway CA , Solo Show
2017- Art Spark I,II Redway, CA Group Show
2016- Solo Show Piante Gallery, Eureka, CA Community Park Paintings
2015- Shenzhen International Watercolor Exhibition China
2015- Redwood Art Association 57th Spring Exhibition - Best Still Life
2015- Eureka Studio Arts , solo show
2013 - Sewell Gallery, Eureka CA., Featured Artist
2013 - National Watercolor Society , All Member Exhibit
2012 - Morris Graves Museum of Art, Eureka, CA. ,Humboldt School of Landscape Painting
2012 - Redwood Art Association, Spring Juried Show,award Best Watercolor
2011 - The Art Center, Eureka, solo show
2010 - California Watercolor Association, 41st National Exhibition
2010 - Morris Graves Museum of Art - " Images of Water"
2009 - National Watercolor Society, 89th Annual Exhibition
2009 - North Valley Art League, 25th Annual Exhibition, award
2009 - Redwood Art Association -51st Fall Exhibition, award, Best of Watercolor
2009 - Ingid Nickelsen Trust - grant award